Sunday, January 16, 2011


Well I had a choice to do homework which I am behind in or update the blog.  As you can see I chose the more important thing.Here it is the middle of January and I haven't updated anything.  Man has a lot happened since my last blog.  Where to start?
I will first start by telling everyone Merry Christmas or to the non Christmas believing readers, Happy Celebration Of The Cold Wintry Season".  I learned "Lesson 2" over the holiday season.  This lesson is when your loving partner is pregnant, she can have some real emotional swings without notice.  My Stephanie wanted a grilling pan to cook with.  I had no idea what a grilling pan was so I just said OK and had no intentions on buying one.  Well shopping for groceries one night, I found a grilling pan.  It is nothing more than a frying pan with ridges.  Anyway, I bought this for my wife and went home with it.  When I got home, I gave it to my wife. (And for the people wandering if I got her this for Christmas, the answer is NO)
After she got this she smiled and acted excited and hugged me.  Then in a split second, she started crying.  Confused as you know what, I ask "Why she was crying".  She then answered in the whiny, baby, squeaky voice, "I have nothing to cook in it".  Yes folks, she said she had nothing to cook in it.  Trust me, the emotions can swing from on to another is seconds.
During this time, do not allow your wife to watch any movies that contain any of the following.
  1. People falling in love
  2. People breaking up
  3. People dieing
  4. People almost dieing
  5. People having babies
  6. People getting married
If you allow her to watch  movies like this, you are doing it at your own risk.  The tears will start flowing and will not stop.  Only allow her to watch boring kids movies or game shows. 

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